Saturday, June 6, 2009

Tips caring mobile LCD


Age at present, not including mobile phone luxury anymore. Unlike a few years ago, people who have mobile phones in people's elite. Now, as we see in the supermarket's or in the markets, children's school also has a mobile phone.
But some of us do not consider the condition of our mobile phones, is in prime condition or not. Since we assume handphone so cheap "I have been broken, so live like the new". One thing that we need to see is the LCD screen on the mobile phone. Because the device that this one vulnerable to damage. Once the LCD scratches or fall because of the wall, then the LCD will be damaged and permanently disabled. For to bring to the Maintenance service is take the expensive cost. So according to our motto "Preventing is better than the doctor" ... should we prevent the prevention of conduct that is good and true. Here, there are 8 tips that I will share, see carefully:

1. If your phone is still in the warranty period, do not suggest the modifications on the mobile phone, such as changing light LCD ..., because if you make a modification that will cause serious damage, on your mobile phone.

2. The use of mobile phones that are too long, can cause interference on the LCD. Before is worse, come to the Service official, contact the LCD and replace it.

3. Try to avoid the occurrence of shocks in the mobile phone. Because if it happens often shocks will cause the LCD screen, and finally shifted abrasions.

4. Do not enter the mobile phone into a bag full of outrageously. As this will cause pressure on the mobile phone, so that liquids will issue on the LCD. If this is to happen, guaranteed images on the mobile phone will not appear.

5. Do not be too long until the mobile phone is exposed to the sun beam, because it can reduce the performance quality of the crystal LCD.

6. Do not put on the mobile phone to the cold place, it can cause a decrease in the performance of the LCD.

7. Choose casing that fit, for the casing does not have the original problem, which is important to consider when buying a case that is not original. Because if the case does not fit in place, it will make the LCD and the LCD to become corrupted.

8. Be careful with the distance with a glass casing in the LCD, it's not too close.

   The little tricks from me ... Hopefully useful ...!

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